Terraform wrapper

The components defined in the opslib.terraform module allow calling out to Terraform providers from Terraform Registry, to deploy resources and query data sources.

from opslib import Stack
from opslib.terraform import TerraformProvider

stack = Stack(__name__)

# https://registry.terraform.io/providers/cloudflare/cloudflare/latest/docs
stack.cloudflare = TerraformProvider(
    version="~> 4.2",

stack.zone = stack.cloudflare.data(

stack.www_record = stack.cloudflare.resource(


TerraformProvider configures a provider. Unless otherwise configured, the provider will be installed in the state directory of the TerraformProvider instance, and used by all resources and data sources linked to the instance.

Many providers require configuration of e.g. API credentials. This can be specified through the config prop, and many providers support some configuration through environment variables. Consult each provider’s documentation for details.


TerraformResource defines a single Terraform Resource. The args prop provides a dictionary of arguments for the resource.

output (optional) is a list of attributes to be fetched from the resource. They are accessible on the output property, which is a dictionary of lazy values.

After a successful deployment, the component instance is marked as “up to date”, and will be skipped in subsequent deployments, unless any of the props change. To check if remote state has changed, run opslib - diff.

Many providers allow importing pre-existing resources into Terraform. Opslib also supports this:

$ opslib www_record import "<zone_id>/<record_id>"

When a TerraformResource component is destroyed, the underlying resource is destroyed, the same as if terraform apply -destroy was run.

Data Sources

TerraformDataSource defines a single Terraform Data Source. The args prop provides a dictionary of arguments for the data source.

output (optional) is a list of attributes to be fetched from the data source. They are accessible on the output property, which is a dictionary of lazy values.